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A comprehensive surgical procedure that effectively shapes body contouring

for you to feel comfortable with your body, to fully enjoy and reach your desired image.

nashielli_contornoThe term body contouring is a concept that has appeared throughout history, as we see it reflected in the sculptures and all manifestations of art which have been proposed to balance the proportions of the body.

As it relates to plastic surgery, body contouring is a term used to describe the procedure to give your body harmony and proportion which is sometimes lost over time or it is simply not the form you desire.  At other times, this harmony is lost due to bad eating habits, lack of exercise, reduced skin elasticity or all of the above.

When we talk about body contouring, it is to assess how to intergrate the different areas of your body in order to provide the best results.
To achieve this balance can sometimes require a combination of procedures.  The most common examples would be liposuction with fat transfer or tummy tuck with liposuction.


What are the steps to surgery?

In the initial consultation, a comprehensive assessment will be completed and the surgeon will listen carefully to your goals expectations.  During the initial consultation, your body proportions, skin and the areas you want to treat will be analyzed and a plan of action will be formulated.

The second point is to have a medical examination to determine your health status.  These examinations include lab work and a preoperative cardiac evaluation.  The third step is the surgeon will take pictures to evaluate the areas of concern and further will advise on the procedures recommended, details about those procedures including incisions and where they will be located, risks of surgery, pre-operative and post-operative care, as well as recovery time.  Following this discussion, we will schedule a surgery date and you will be given the necessary information to prepare.

How long will your procedure take and what type of anesthesia used?

The time of surgery will depend on which procedures are performed.  Some of the most common combinations with body contouring include:

Tummy Tuck with Liposuction

Tummy Tuck with Liposuction and Fat Grafting

Breast Implants and Breast Lift

Breast Reduction

The type of anesthesia will be determined based on the procedure as well.  Normally, a light sedation with epidural block is most common in the above procedures.



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